Monday 3 May 2010

Out of action

To all those who haven't noticed on Buzz or Twitter: I've been incapacitated, though a pair of crutches has come to my partial aid and is helping me move around to some degree.

What happened was nothing other than a nice and friendly game of frisbee on a lovely (and only slightly rainy) Sunday afternoon in the park. I admit that I may have played a bit too seriously because really, you shouldn't try to catch a disk someone else is trying to catch at the same time (or should I?) Either way, the mid-air collision that ensued wasn't too bad in itself, but the fall back down (hello gravity! Yes, I love you too. At times.) was rather uncontrolled and so upon reaching Earth again, I must have twisted my right foot in ways unimaginable. And unrepeatable.

It is close to 30 hours now that I haven't been able to put any pressure on my right foot - which made me ponder (amongst other things) how often the reception desks at hospitals see people hopping past on one foot...

Once I had - with the help of some particularly friendly fellow "hurt people" - figured out how to work my way to the front of the emergency queue (with sincere apologies to my North American friends, but there is no way I was going to describe this mass as a line), it didn't take terribly long to get a doctor, an X-ray and a couple of crutches (allowing me to roam the hospital with a bit more dignity than before) and, eventually, a super-twenty-first-century-removable cast. Thank God for German efficiency, German health-care (no offense) and Swiss (?!) engineering. (Admit it: there's no way you had predicted that last one ;-)

The X-ray luckily demonstrated that my bones were intact, so notwithstanding the pain, I'm happy about that. Whether my tendons, ligaments and similar connective tissues are also in order, is an entirely different matter still, so I'm impatiently awaiting the results of an MRI scan on Thursday morning - stay tuned.


  1. Auch, poor you!! So the next coming days you´ll be hopping about on crutches and living on painkillers, presumably.
    Ziet dat ze u voet goed terug recht zetten he; mij is ooit hetzelfde overkomen: ligamenten van linkerenkel gescheurd na val tijdens het joggen en nu staat mijn linkervoet wat naar binnengedraaid. Het is niet ondenkbaar dat dat heeft bijgedragen tot mijn rugproblemen. Dus beetje mee oppassen.
    Apparently Alfonso is allergic to you emails. I was reading your letter aloud and he was sneezing through it from halfway to the end. When I was finished reading it, he stopped sneezing :)

    Verzorg u goed! En nhopelijk zien we mekaar eind deze maand... Zou het tegen dan goed kunnen komen met die enkel, denkt ge?

  2. Bedankt, Kathleen :-)

    Ik herinner me precies helemaal niets van uw ligamenten - wanneer was dat gebeurd?

    Pijnstillers (?) heb ik nog niet gebruikt dus misschien is dit wel niet zo erg. Enfin, dat komen we dus morgenvroeg wel te weten. En dan weet ik meteen ongeveer hoe lang het gaat duren (denk ik).

  3. I'm glad to hear you're okay, but did you make the catch? THE PEOPLE DEMAND TO KNOW!

  4. You're right, Josh: the people have a right to know ;-) Sadly, however, I did not make the catch.

    In danger of offending someone, though, I could add that my side was winning 5-4 when the accident happened - and eventually lost the game 6-10. (We could of course bring that down to an increase in care aimed at not losing any more players...)
